Create autoresponder campaigns for your Facebook fan pages and automatically reply to new private messages and comments

The Ultimate Autoresponder For Facebook Pages
INSTANTLY SEND A CUSTOM REPLY AND A PRIVATE MESSAGE to every new comment across all of your Facebook posts and ads.
Build your own Facebook messenger list and send unlimited private messages to ALL CONTACTS with 100% INBOX DELIVERY RATE
Autoresponder Bot affiliate program
We are seeking affiliates and resellers who would like to earn money selling our products.

How does it work?
Firstly, you will need to sign up for an affiliate account with our website. It's FREE!
Once you have done this you will be given a web site address that you must use when you refer your customers to our web site.
When the customer follows this link an internet cookie is created on their computer. This cookie contains information that identifies you as the affiliate. If the customer then decides to purchase the software, their cookie is examined and you are credited with 30% of the sale.
Your payment
After you will create your account, you will be able to fill in your Paypal account details.
When a new client purchases the script using your affiliate link, you will automatically receive an email.
Payments are sent out monthly directly to your Paypal account.
Click here to create your affiliate account Existing affiliates login
Questions? We have answers.
What is an affiliate program?
An affiliate program allows you to earn a commission by referring potential customers to our web site.
We offer a high commission rate of 30% for every product that you contribute to sell.
If you don't have a web site, but believe that you have clients that may be interested in our software there are a number of other possibilities.
You can promote your affiliate link on your website, on forums, on Facebook, etc. -
Are there any conditions that you should be aware of?
Yes, there are. These items are covered in the agreement that you will have with us.
Please be aware of the following:
Spamming is not allowed. If you are caught sending unsolicited email we will terminate your account. No commission will be paid if a sale is refunded. We accept the return of the script within 30 days of the purchase date. While two or more affiliates refer the same person, the first affiliate to refer the customer will be credited with the sale. We do not accept visitors from traffic exchange websites or surf websites. If you purchase the script using your own affiliate link, no affiliate commission will be payable. The commission cannot be cumulated with any other offer or discounted version of the script.
What are your benefits?
For each referral who purchases our product you are credited with 30% of the sale